in education is still a relatively new topic. More and more people in education
are creating blogs and posting ideas, sharing lesson plans, etc. However,
blogging actually in school, not related to professional development is
still a relatively new concept. While
some schools are trying it, there are still a majority of schools that wouldn't
even consider blogging. But blogging is something schools should consider.
Blogging is a magnificent way to share thoughts and get responses.
example, as a school librarian I would most create a blog that links to the
library website. This blog would be for teachers, faculty, administrators,
students, and parents. With this blog I would to post information relative
to the library, perhaps there is a new shipment of books just in or the library
is hosting an after-school inventor's club. I would also blog about student achievements or events happening in the library as well as any new additions or changes to
the library. Now this sounds like something that could be accomplished by
sending out a newsletter or an email. This is true, however; one of the best
things about blogging is that a blog can get responses and comments and these
comments are not just seen by the blogger, but anyone who views the blog. So
perhaps I write a blog post about a second grade class who made their own
stories using Story bird. Now a parent reading the blog about their child's
class may want to comment about how awesome the stories were. Or an
administrator reading the blog may comment that the library should have a story
week where all students create stories. This is not something that could happen
with a newsletter. While some people may have sent an email to the library in
response to the newsletter, this email would not have been visible to anyone
else but the librarian. With blogs responses can be viewed by all.
ability to get a response is one of the reasons why I think blogging should be
encouraged not only for librarians, but for students as well. If, as an adult, I
can get really excited that someone had viewed my blog,
imagine how excited a sixth grader will be to learn that other people are
reading what he/she has to say. There is something very empowering about blogging.
It gives a person the ability to share their thoughts and opinions, not just
with the person they are seated next to, but with hundreds of readers on the
Internet. Blogging can give students a voice, and it is also a wonderful way
for them to be motivated and feel accomplished. As a future librarian I could
see myself having my students create a blog so that they could reflect on and
post all of their web 2.0 projects. For example, if a class of sixth graders
have just finished making an Animoto video on the Egyptian Gods. I would have
each one of them write a short blog post reflecting on the project. How do they
think they did? What did they like about the project? What didn't they like?
How did they like Animoto? Would they use Animoto again? Students would answer
questions like these in a blog post and then link to or embed their project on
their blog. Parents or teachers could view the student blogs and make comments.
I feel that this is a better reflective process than just writing down one's
thoughts in a journal. Now students can interact with other people and perhaps
think about their project in a different light.
While student blogs are a great idea, it is important that
the platform used to create the blog be a safe environment for students.
Librarians should encourage students to create blogs using sites like Edublogs
or Kidblogs, where students are safe from spam or unwanted visitors. Student
blogs aren't just a way to motivate students, they also fit many of the
standards set down by the AASL and the Common Core. Below are just some ways
blogging can fit with the standards.
AASL Standards
2.1.6: Use the
writing process, media and visual literacy, and technology skills to create
products that express new understandings.
3.1.2 Participate and collaborate as members of social and
intellectual network of learners.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize
and display knowledge and understanding in ways that others can view, use and
Common Core
With guidance and support from adults, use a variety of digital tools to
produce and publish writing, including in collaboration with peers.
CCSS.ELA-Literacy.W.9-10.6 Use technology, including the
Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing
products, taking advantage of technology’s capacity to link to other
information and to display information flexibly and dynamically.