Sunday, April 21, 2013

Technology and the Librarian

"Its like Facebook only for teachers" This was what someone told me last Wednesday, I have to say I was a little doubtful, but when I actually started using the website I was surprisingly pleased. I'm talking, of course, of Edmodo. Some of you may have heard of it, or some of you may be like me who always seems to hear things after it has become a big thing. At any rate, it is fantastic! This is a completely free website that is basically Facebook for teachers. Your account is laid out very similar to face book, it allows you to collaborate with other teachers, and more importantly have a virtual connection to your students. Here is how it works, you create an account (again for free!) then you can make your page, add your picture, list the classes you teach, etc. Edmodo allows you to create assignments, polls or even quizzes on your account. For example, you can post a video you want the students to watch and make it an assignment. This means that students will have to view the video by the date you specify. Edmodo keeps track of how many students viewed the video, it allows them to make comments and it will send you an email letting you know what students participated and which did not. There are a lot more features to Edmodo and I encourage you to log on and check it out!

I have to say that this is just another example of all the excellent technology available to the use at schools. Students can use Animoto to create a video about their favorite scientist. GoAnimate can be used in English classrooms to have students recreate scenes for Romeo and Juliet. Dipity allows you to create interactive timelines that can make any historical event interesting! There are hundreds and thousands of these sites and more everyday that allows teachers to give a new spin to typical school work. Students are now able to present their information in creative and unique ways. Not only is this leading to more students being motivated and interested in school, it is also teaching students technology skills, which is incredibly important in today's world.

I learned about all of these sites from librarians. I think our profession calls for us to constantly be learning and finding knew websites or technology that will help our students learn better. Librarians are one of the only teachers who literally teach every student in the school. We also are one of the only teachers who work and collaborate with almost every teacher in the school. We are in a perfect position to suggest these new technologies and help embed them in the classroom. So make a list of some of the cool new technology you have found and next time you are at a staff meeting or are working with a classroom teacher, show them. Explain how this can help motivate students and might make a lesson plan more interesting. You never know, it may lead to more teachers wanting to work with you.

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